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Code&Data Insights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbbYntt5CJk&t=4680s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv9_4yMHFhI&list=PLblh5JKOoLUICTaGLRoHQDuF_7q2GfuJF 말모... 이해안되는 개념들 진짜 쉽게 설명해주심 ㅠㅠ https://www.coursera.org/collections/machine-learning Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Collection www.coursera.org + 한국 유튜버분들 (두분다 박사생이신듯.. 짱 멋짐 ㅠㅠ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74NvFfKZm7A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyxyn..
Unsupervised Learning - Clustering Unsupervised Learning - Unsupervised learning uses unlabeled data. The training examples do not have targets or labels "y". Recall the T-shirt example. The data was height and weight but no target size. Clustering : find the data points related or similar - mostly used in marketing | segmentation | tracking | abnormaly detection - different cluster must have di..
[ What is Deep Learning? ] - deep learning is a subset of machine learning. ( subset of AI ) - a type of ML inspired by the structure of the human brain => 'Artificial Neural Network' - most efficient way to deal with unstructured data The difference between ML and DL - ML : The features should be given - DL : The features are picked out by the neural network without human intervention => cost h..
[ Regression ] What is the Regression? Regression : predict a number from infinitely many possible outputs - a technique for investigating the relationship between independent variables or features and a dependent variable or outcome. It's used as a method for predictive modelling in machine learning. => the point of the predictive modelling in Regression is to find the best(optimal) regression ..
[ R ] R : a programming language frequently used for statistical analysis, visualization, and other data analysis * R is case sensitive !! Common features - Open-source - Data stored in data frames - Formulas and functions readily available - Community for code development and support Unique advantages - Data manipulation, data visualization, and statistics packages - "Scalpel" approach to data:..
[ The 4-Phases of Analysis ] 1) Organize data 2) Format and adjust data 3) Get input from others 4) Transfrom data ( make calculation based on the data, find the relationship ) [ Organize data ] - Sorting : Sort Sheet in spreadsheet : ORDER BY in SQL - Filtering : WHERE in SQL [ Data Formatting ] - From one type to another : CAST in SQL : CONVERT in spreadsheet [ Data validation ] Data validatio..
[ Data Intergrity ] Data Intergrity - Data integrity is the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and trustworthiness of data throughout its lifecycle. - Alignment to business objective + newly discovered variables + constraints = accurate conclusion [ Types of insufficient data ] - Data from onlly one source - Data that keeps updating - Outdated data - Geographically-limited data [ Minimum sampl..
[ Data Collection ] How data is collected? - Interviews - Observations - Forms - Questionnaires - Surveys - Cookies (personal interests, habits) [ Data Formats ] Discrete data - data that is counted and has a limited number of values (ex) room maximum capacity Continuous data - data that is measured and can have most any numeric value (ex) temperature Nominal data - a type of qualitative data th..