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[Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate] Data Analysis with R Programming 본문

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[Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate] Data Analysis with R Programming

paka_corn 2023. 5. 24. 06:58

[ R ] 

R : a programming language frequently used for statistical analysis, visualization, and other data analysis


* R is case sensitive !!

Common features

- Open-source

- Data stored in data frames

- Formulas and functions readily available

- Community for code development and support


Unique advantages

- Data manipulation, data visualization, and statistics packages

- "Scalpel" approach to data: find packages to do what you want with the data



[ R Six Primary Types ]

- Vector : a group of data elements of the same type

=> c() function :comnbine function



[ Package Tidyverse ] 

Tidyverse : the tidyverse is a collection of R packages specifically designed for working with data.

=> A system of packages in R with a common design philosophy for data manipulation, exploration, and visualization.


8 core tidyverse packages

- ggplot2

- tibble

- tidyr

- readr

- purrr

- dplyr

- stringr

- forcats



Cleaning Data packages

- here

- skimr

- janitor 

- dplyr
