목록Artificial Intelligence/Etc (13)
Code&Data Insights

[ Connecting to & Preparing Data ] Q. How to reduce the size of an extract ? A1) Aggregate the data to visible dimension A2) Hide All Unsued field => When we create an extract, we get many size options We can choose only include a sample of the data, Or aggregate to visible dimensions Or use extract filters Or choose the physical table option instead of logical table Q. The best reason to use a ..

Domain 4: Understanding Tableau Concepts 4.1 Understand dimensions and measures 1) Explain what kind of information dimensions usually contain - it contains qualitative values (such as names, dates, or geographical data). You can use dimensions to categorize, segment, and reveal the details in your data. - Dimensions affect the level of detail in the view. => level of detail in a view : how gran..

[ Domain 3: Sharing Insights ] 3.1 Format view for presentation 1) Use color from the marks card - To assign a color to marks in the view, => From the data pane, drag a field to Color on the Marks card - if you drop a discrete field (a blue field), such as Category, on Color, the marks in the view are broken out by category, and each category is assigned a color - If you drop a continuous field,..

[ Domain 2: Exploring & Analyzing Data ] 2.1 Create basic charts 1) Create a bar chart bar 차트의 종류 - horizontal / stacked / side-by-side bars headers : Sub-Catergory sales : axis A stacked bar - by adding a second dimension('segment') to view creates a stacked bar A side-by-side bar 2) Create a line chart ** Line charts always involve a date dimension. line chart의 종류 - discrete / continuous lines..

[ Domain 1: Connecting to & Preparing Data ] 1.1 Create live connections and extracts 1) Create a live connection to a data source Live connection : connecting to the data source directly rather than connecting to a copy. ( default in Tableau Desktop ) Extract : the subset of data (that we can use to improve performance or to take advandatage of Tableau functionality not available or supported i..

Exam Format => 60분 짜리 시험으로 예전엔 실기 문제도 나와서 구글링이 가능하다고 했는데 2021년도 부터 아예 필기로만 바뀌었다고 한다. 윗 레벨인 Tableau Data Analyst 는 실기 문제도 있고 Tableau Puplic(무료 버전) 으로는 풀 수 없는 문제들도 나온다고 한다. Exam Content => 유데미에 Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Prep이라고 치면, 강의가 여러개 나오는데 그 중 3시간 짜리 선택! (검색해보니 다들 이 강의를 들으시는 것 같다) 시험 결제하고 3개월 안으로만 시험 보면 되는 것 같다. 학생 인증하면 tableau desktop(유료 버전)도 1년 무료고, 자격증 시험비도 100불에서 80불로 할인해준다..

[ R ] R : a programming language frequently used for statistical analysis, visualization, and other data analysis * R is case sensitive !! Common features - Open-source - Data stored in data frames - Formulas and functions readily available - Community for code development and support Unique advantages - Data manipulation, data visualization, and statistics packages - "Scalpel" approach to data:..

[ The 4-Phases of Analysis ] 1) Organize data 2) Format and adjust data 3) Get input from others 4) Transfrom data ( make calculation based on the data, find the relationship ) [ Organize data ] - Sorting : Sort Sheet in spreadsheet : ORDER BY in SQL - Filtering : WHERE in SQL [ Data Formatting ] - From one type to another : CAST in SQL : CONVERT in spreadsheet [ Data validation ] Data validatio..