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Code&Data Insights
[ Dimensionality Reduction ] Feature Selection - a process in machine learning and data analysis where a subset of relevant features (variables or attributes) is selected from a larger set of available features. - to improve the model's performance by reducing overfitting, improving interpretability, and enhancing computational efficiency. Feature Extraction - a process in machine learning and d..
Neural Networks Neural Network : A neural network is composed of neurons that take inputs and calculate outputs through weights and activation functions. Through this process, it learns patterns in data and gains the ability to make predictions. Learning in Neural Network 1) Feed Forward 2) Compute Loss 3) Backpropagate ( = chain rule) : the method to compute the gradient efficiently 4) Gradient..
[ Natural Language Processing(NLP) ] Natural Language Processing(NLP) : Natural Language Processing involves the development of algorithms and models that allow computers to comprehend, generate, and interpret sentences, as well as extract meaning from text. => NLP Process (1) text data is collected and preprocessed. During this stage, the text is segmented into sentences or words through tokeni..
[ Reinforcement Learning ] Reinforcement Learning : reinforcement learning is a field of machine learning where a computer program, known as an agent, learns and improves gradually through experience while performing tasks in a specific environment. => Agent interacts with the environment, perceives its current state, selects and executes actions, and receives rewards. => During this learning pr..
Exam Format => 60분 짜리 시험으로 예전엔 실기 문제도 나와서 구글링이 가능하다고 했는데 2021년도 부터 아예 필기로만 바뀌었다고 한다. 윗 레벨인 Tableau Data Analyst 는 실기 문제도 있고 Tableau Puplic(무료 버전) 으로는 풀 수 없는 문제들도 나온다고 한다. Exam Content => 유데미에 Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Prep이라고 치면, 강의가 여러개 나오는데 그 중 3시간 짜리 선택! (검색해보니 다들 이 강의를 들으시는 것 같다) 시험 결제하고 3개월 안으로만 시험 보면 되는 것 같다. 학생 인증하면 tableau desktop(유료 버전)도 1년 무료고, 자격증 시험비도 100불에서 80불로 할인해준다..
[ What is Association Rule Learning? ] Association Rule Learning : Association Rule Learning is a data mining technique that discovers rules indicating the co-occurrence of two or more items. => Identifiy the relationships between items and discovers valuable rules indicating their co-occurrence. => For example, People who bought 'this stuff', they also bought 'this stuff'. | "You may also like”..
[ Hierarchical Clustering ] Hierarchical Clustering : Hierarchical clustering is a data analysis technique that groups data hierarchically based on similarity or distance - Use Euclidean distance or Manhattan distance - 2 approachs for hierarchical Clustering : 1) Agglomaerative- Top-down 2) Divisive - Bottom-up [ Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering ] ( Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering : ..
[ K-Nearest Neighbours ] K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) => KNN is a supervised learning classifier, which uses proximity to make classifications or predictions about the grouping of an individual data point. How It Works? Step 1) Choose the number K of neighbors Step 2) Take the K nearst neighbors of the new data point, according to the Euclidean distance - Euclidean Distance : √((x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y..