목록Computer Science (46)
Code&Data Insights
[ Adversarial Search ] : a strategy used in artificial intelligence for decision-making in competitive scenarios, such as games. It involves representing the problem as a game tree, using the Minimax algorithm, evaluation functions, and techniques like (ex) chess, checkers, and in various real-world domains like business strategy, auctions, and negotiations. : Alpha-Beta Pruning to f..
: we try to identify which nodes seems more Optimistic, and explore these first - With heuristics (useful rules or empirical knowledge) or additional information is used to find the most efficient path. - A way to visit the most promising nodes first [ Heuristic ] - A technique improves the efficiency of search - Focus on nodes that seem most optimistic acc..
: all nodes are equally optimistic, so we explore them systematically => Simple search method, without heuristics or information, explores all possible paths. · Data Structure - Open List(=frontier) - Closed List(=explored set) · Generic Search Algorithm 1) Initialize OPEN with the initial node n0 and its parent 2) Initialize CLOSED to empty 3) Repeat A) If OPEN is empty, t..
: Finding a solution from initial state to a goal state [ State Space ] · Problem is represented by 1) Initial State - Starting state 2) Set of Operators - Actions for transition between states 3) Goal test function - determine if it is matched with a goal state 4) Calculate Path cost function - Assigns a cost to a path if a path is best among others · State space ..
[ R-squared ]R-squared - a measure of the goodness-of-fit of a regression model. - It represents the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variables. - the percentage of variation explained by the relationship between two variables. => range : 0 to 1 => R² = 1 - (SSR/SST)SSR = the sum of squared residuals (the sum of the squared differen..
The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data by David Spiegelhalter =>David Spiegelhalter is a prominent British statistician who provides numerous examples from his professional experience in the field of statistics. He endeavors to explain these concepts in an accessible way, without relying on mathematical formulas. 2학년때 probability and statistics 과목을 들었는데, 감이 안잡혀서 책을 읽었다. 다양한 예시를 줘서 전체적인 통계학의..
Schemas and Instances - Databases instance: the current content of the DB - Databases schema: the structure of the data(relations/classes) -> Relation(table) is as a set or tuple! What is the meaning of Data Independence?? : the ability to modify definition of schema at one level with little or no effect on the schema at a high level - Logical data independence: adding new fields to a record or ..
What is a Database?: a collection (Not a random pile of data) of data that exists over a long period time. DBMS: a complex software package developed to store and manage databases- Mysql, mongoDB, …- Provide convenient, efficient, and secure access and manipulation of large amounts of data- Controls access to shared data from multiple, simultaneous users with properties Atomicity, Consistency, l..