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[(COMP472)Artificial Intelligence] - Informed Search | Hill Climbing | Greedy Best-First Search | Algorithms A & A* 본문

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[(COMP472)Artificial Intelligence] - Informed Search | Hill Climbing | Greedy Best-First Search | Algorithms A & A*

paka_corn 2023. 10. 24. 03:13

< Informed Search (Heuristic Search) >

: we try to identify which nodes seems more Optimistic, and explore these first

- With heuristics (useful rules or empirical knowledge) or additional information is used to find the most efficient path.

- A way to visit the most promising nodes first


[ Heuristic ]

-       A technique improves the efficiency of search

-       Focus on nodes that seem most optimistic according to some function

-       Need an estimate function -> heuristic function h(n)

-> No guarantee to be correct

-> Approximation of the lowest cost from node n to the goal


=> H(n) = estimate of the lowest cost from n to goal

=> Shorter search path, less backtracking

=> H(n) in goal state -> h(n) = 0



[ Types of Heuristic h(n) ]

1) Hamming distance (NOT consider the empty tile)  = misplaced numbered tiles


2) Manhattan distance

: sum up all the distances by which tiles are out of place


3)  Sum of Permutation inversions

-> Actual cost(= h*(n) 우리 모름, 뭐가 좋은지는 생각하기 나름

-> H(3) actual cost 가장 가까울 있음 (less backtracking)

-> Solution path many NOT be necessarily of lower cost



[ Hill Climbing ]

: Hill climbing : only use h(n)

h(n) : n to goal state = estimate of lowest cost of n to goal

-       Possibility to stuck in local minima

-       Open list X -> Can’t backtrack

-       NOT use open list

-       Good approximation – not guarantee to find the best solution but good solution


(1)   Vanila Hill Climbing

-       Take 1st successor s with better h() than current state n

-       Good if the branching factor is HIGH!


(2)   Steepest ascent hill climbing

-       Generate all successor states S

-       Run h(n) on all s belongs to S

=> Among all successors s, pick the best successor which has h(n)




[ Greedy Best-First Search ]

-       USE  open list, sorting in ascending order of value of h(n) 낮은거부터!

-       Good approximation – not guarantee to find the best solution but good solution

-       Use h(n), NOT g(n)


-       Good approximation, but not guarantee the best

-> The quality of the approximation depends on the accuracy of the heuristic


- only use h(n) ( better version of Greedy BFS, not stuck in local minimum)

-> If meet the same node in Open or Closed List, ignore!




-       Can find the best path from local to local state(goal state)

-       Can’t find the best path from the initial to goal state

-       focus is on finding a good solution quickly rather than exploring the entire state space for the global optimum.



[ Algorithms A ]

: use f(n) to overcome the disadvantage of Greedy BFS( h(n) uses only, not the best cost since h(n) is an estimate of the lowest cost!

f(n) : root to the goal state ( f(n) = g(n) + h(n) )

F(n) = h(n) + g(n), total cost along path through n

G(n) = actual cost of path from start to node n

H(n) = estimate of cost to reach goal. From to


-> A not guarantee lowest cost



[ Algorithms A* ]

: better version of A algorithm, admissible, recalculate from the closed list ONLY!

=> A* guarantee lowest cost of solution path

=> Admissible! ( all node is h(n) < h*(n)


So is A* always “better” in real life?

- not necessarily

- computing g(n) can take time to compute

- Re-visiting CLOSED is costly

- if client is not looking for the optimal (lowest cost) solution

- a good-enough solution faster (i.e. GBF search) might be





