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[Databases] Data Modeling and Database Design 본문

Computer Science/Databases

[Databases] Data Modeling and Database Design

paka_corn 2023. 2. 25. 08:24

What is a Database?

: a collection (Not a random pile of data) of data that exists over a long period time.



: a complex software package developed to store and manage databases

- Mysql, mongoDB, …

- Provide convenient, efficient, and secure access and manipulation of large amounts of data

- Controls access to shared data from multiple, simultaneous users with properties Atomicity, Consistency, lsolation, Durability (ACID)



Data base system(DBS) = Database + DBMS

Disadvantages of FPS

: redundancy of data – identical data are distributed over various files (major problem)


Advantages of Databases

-       Minimize data redundancy and avoid inconsistency.

-       Centralized control over data management

-       Data abstraction, independence

-       Concurrent access to shared data

-       Security, authorization


Types of Data Models

-       ER (Entity- Relationship) model

-       Relational Model

-       ODL (Object-Oriented Data Model)

-       Logical Data Model (Datalog)


Relational Model

: data is organized in relations (tables)

** relations = tables


The user shouldn’t be concerned with the underlying storage data structure.

Most widely used model

Another approach: object – relational model


Relational databases schema

- Set of table names : D  = {R1, …., Rn}

- Set of attributes for each table : R = {A1,…, Ak}



Goals of Database System

: DB system should be simple but also complex (so that many queries and transactions could be handled efficiently



Three Views | Level of Data

1)    External (logical) level : user view

2)    Conceptual (logical) level : an outcome of a database design

3)    Internal (physical) level : describes the storage structure of data and the indexes

