목록Artificial Intelligence/Prompt Engineering (10)
Code&Data Insights
Zero-Shot Learning : 예시 없이 그냥 Prompt 입력 (one-shot learning : 하나의 예시만 제공) Zero-Shot Prompting : A method wherein models generate meaningful responses to prompts without prior training (ex) prompt : select the adjective in this sentence "Anita bakes the best cakes in the neighborhood." - output : "Best" => HOWEVER, 1-prompt로 desired output(원하는 결과)를 얻기는 힘듬!! User Feedback Loop : 계속되는 prompt(by user..
What Is Prompt Engineering? 프롬프트 엔지니어링은 AI 모델, 특히 LLM을 원하는 결과로 유도하기 위해 정교하게 설계된 질문이나 지시를 만드는 과정. 원하는 결과물을 얻기 위해 프롬프트를 최적화하는 기술 Prompt engineering is essential for enhancing AI-powered services and maximizing the output of existing generative AI tools. Powerful prompts lead to => Optimize the response of generative AI models => Power lies in the questions we ask => Write a prompt that is effectiv..