Code&Data Insights

[Intro to Theoretical Comp Sci] CFG to PDA 본문

Computer Science/Comp sci_courses

[Intro to Theoretical Comp Sci] CFG to PDA

paka_corn 2022. 11. 14. 02:49

Q) What is CFG? 


[ CFG - Context Free Grammar ]

: Context Free Grammar from CFL(Context-Free Language) 

Grammar G = (V,T,S,P)

V(variables) | T(Terminal symbols) | S(Start variable) | P(Productions of the form: A -> x)


* CFL(Context-Free Languages):

A language L is context-free if and only if

there is a context-free grammar(CFG) G that generates it, L = L(G). 


* Derivation Tree


* Normal Forms for CFG : CNF & GNF 

1) Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) 

: A context-free grammar is said to be in CNF if each production has the form -> 2 variable or only one terminal! 

=> Every context-free language L(that does not contain lambda) is generated by a grammar G in CNF.

The transformation from CFG G for L to G' in CNF by removing all illegal productions. 


* Steps of Removing Illegal(Undesired) Productions : GFG to CNF 

Step 1) lambda-production

if there is only lambda in production, we say the variable is nullable!




Step 2) Unit-Productions 



Step 3) Useless Productions

- Some derivations never terminate

- Not reachable from S(Start Variable) 




step 4) For every terminal symbol, add production T(a) -> a





step 5) For each production p, introduce new variables V(1), V(2),... 


==> Therefore,

** For any context-free grammar(doesn't generate lambda), there is an equivalent grammar in CNF.



2) Greibach Normal Form (GNF) 

: all productions have the form: only one terminal! 

==> Therefore, 

** For any context-free grammar(doesn't generate lambda), there is an equivalent grammar in GNF.



Q) What is PDA? 


* PDA[Pushdown Automata ]

: Pushdown Automata 

- PDA has stack 





Q) How to convert from CFG to PDA? 



