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[Machine Learning] Dimensionality Reduction - Feature Extraction | PCA | LDA 본문

Data Science/Machine Learning

[Machine Learning] Dimensionality Reduction - Feature Extraction | PCA | LDA

paka_corn 2023. 6. 26. 09:28

[ Dimensionality Reduction ]

Feature Selection 

- a process in machine learning and data analysis where a subset of relevant features (variables or attributes) is selected from a larger set of available features. 


- to improve the model's performance by reducing overfitting, improving interpretability, and enhancing computational efficiency.


Feature Extraction 

- a process in machine learning and data analysis where new features (representations or descriptors) are derived or extracted from the existing set of features. 

- aims to transform the original features into a new set of features that capture essential information and patterns.


=> Techniques : PCA | LDA | Kernel PCA 


(ex) Recommend system  




[ Principal Component Analysus(PCA) ] 

PCA : reduce the dimensions of a d-dimensional dataset by projecting it onto a (k)-dimentional subspace(where k<d) 

=>  Unsupervised 


- Identify patterns in data

- Detect the correlation between variables(features)





Covariance is a computational stepping stone to something that is interesting, like correlation.

=> Covariance is a way to classify 3-type of relationship. 

1) Positive trend : covariance > 0

2) Negative trend : covariance < 0

3) No trend : covariance = 0


* Covariance is difficult to scale -> It's difficult to know how slope it's slope depending on the coviance value is larger or not => Correlation is the relationship which is not sensitive to the scale of the data. 






 [ Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) ] 

LDA : project a feature space(a dataset n-dimensional samples) onto a small subspace k (where k<= n-1) while maintaining the class-discriminatory information 

=> Supervised 


- Used as a dimensionality reduction techinique

- Used in the pre-processing step for pattern classification 






