[ Java Programming ] Interface
[ Interface ]
: 보안을 위해 interface를 사용한다.
( 특정한 디테일을 숨기고, object의 중요한 디테일만을 보여준다 )
- 인터페이스는 인터페이스로만 상속받을 수 있으며, 클래스와 달리 다중상속을 받는 것이 가능하다
- 추상( abstract) 클래스와 같이 인터페이스는 objects를 생성하는데 쓰일 수 없다.
- interface 메소드는 body가 존재하지 X, body는 implement class에서 작성되어진다.
- On implementation of an interface, you must override all of its methods
- Interface methods are by default, abstract and public
- Interface attributes are by default public, static and final
- An interface cannot contain a constructor ( as it cannot be used to create objects )
< Comparable Interface >
- the Comparable interface is in java.lang package so is automatically available to any program.
- only one method must be implemented
: public int compareTo(Object other);
-> The method compareTo must be return
- A negative number if the calling object "comes before" the parameter other
- A zero if the calling object "equals" the parameter other
- A positive number if the calling object "comes after" the parameter other
(The relationship "comes after" is just the reverse of "comes before"
- If the parameter other is not of the same type as the class being defined, then a ClassCastException should be thrown.
(ex) Sorting Arrays of Comparable