Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

[Machine Learning] Generalization, Capacity, Overfitting, Underfitting

paka_corn 2023. 11. 1. 08:57


: ability of a machine learning algorithm(model) to perform well on unseen data

minimizes the objective function using the training data


Training Loss 

: loss function, computed with training set 


Test Loss 

: loss function, computed with test set 


=> More training set leads better generalization





: Underfittingand Overfittingare connected to the capacity of the model.


capacity(= representational capacity)

: attempts to quantify how “big” (or “rich”) is the hypothesis space. 


Larger Capacity : complex models(linear, exponential, sinusoidal, logarithmic functions) 

Low Capacity : use linear functions only



how well a model generalizes to unseen data? 

-> Overfitting / Underfitting 




: machine learning algorithm is too simple to explain well the traning data


=> When the traning loss is high, and model can't achieve the low training loss


=> Capacity is too low

=> Low-dimensional data ( model is too simple ) 

=> Over Regularization







=> When the gap between the training and test losses is too high! 

( performs well on traning, but not on test)

=> Capacity is too high

=> High dimensional data

=> The number of training dataset is too few! 


--> Mitigate Overfitting?

-       Add more data(but, it’s too expensive in real machine learning problem)

-       Use Regularization Methods for better generalization!