[(COMP472)Artificial Intelligence] - State Space Representation
< State Space Representation >
: Finding a solution from initial state to a goal state
[ State Space ]
· Problem is represented by
1) Initial State
- Starting state
2) Set of Operators
- Actions for transition between states
3) Goal test function
- determine if it is matched with a goal state
4) Calculate Path cost function
- Assigns a cost to a path if a path is best among others
· State space
- The set of all states that can be reached from the initial sate by any sequence of action
- Size : state space is too large to be generated in advance so it is generated dynamically while searching in real problem.
è We explore a node : if it’s the goal, stop and trace back to calculate the path(solution path) from the initial node
è If it’s not the goal, then generating it’s successors(children) and explore these recursively
è To avoid cycles, the search algorithm will check duplicate nodes!
· Search Algorithm
- How the search space is visited
- Exploration of alternatives
[ State Space Graph ]
: each state is represented by a distinct node.
· An arc(or edge) connects a node s to a node s’ if s’ belongs to SUCCESSOR(s)
- The state graph may contain more than on connected component.